Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Just saw all the pictures from my Aunt's wedding and oh it looked like quite an event! While I'm sad to have missed it everyone looked to have a great time. I'm so excited for them!

We biked into town today and boy oh boy does that take much time off the travel. It went so fast! Why don't I bike everywhere? Ideas.


I read Dan Brown's new book and it was really good until the ending. Let down baby. Next on my list is Omnivore's Dilemma. I have heard most of it in documentaries and what not but need all the info.

I love hearing everyone's story and what they are passionate about. Its inspiring that people can be so driven to do good.

I am learning to use the word priority. To say "this is a priority" this is not a priority. how it feels when you say them and if it doesn't sound right then you know what matters and what doesn't. Rather brilliant.

I'm learning so much from people and especially the host Ron that its almost overwhelming. How am I going to remember it all? Another thing I'm learning to do: remembering.


Tash said...

or you can write it in a journal. go buy blank book from a store.

lovintheempteenest said...

After Omnivore's Dilemma .. . I recommend In Defense of Food. Shake up the very definition of food.