I swear Ron is unlike any other human being. He is so positive about everything. And wants to teach all about how to improve their life. Never have I seen a man so open to talk about anything and willingly admit that he cries about things. He is completely down to talk about periods, and when Bethany told him she had a waste free period his response: Congratulations. Share this knowledge with the other girls. hahahaha I die over this. We often wonder how in the world this man can exist, and i want to be just like him in his directness. There is zero skirting around issues but face them straight on with such grace. He is truly inspiring.
My last days are here at Harmony Farm and its so strange to be thinking of leaving. But I am too excited about my meditation! I cant wait for a bit of quiet and centering my life. Sometimes you need to get back to basics.
I have just caught up on your blogs as you can probably tell from my posts. You are an original . . love your posts . . your thoughts . . your adventures. . . your appreciation of the simple . . . and the sublime.
Kristy you are the best! I cant wait to catch up with you when I get back! And congratulations on your soon to be new daughter!
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