Saw this when boarding.. Because 12 yr olds won't be sporting illegal drugs in their shoes like everyone else?
From 'Pie Face'. Yum.
Just me and my ginormous luggage.
Ahh the big cupcake is the Red Velvet (which didn't turn out exactly as it should have.. Sorry America) and the little ones are VoVo cupcakes. Inspired by the VoVo treat? An Australian goodie.
Joan got this for me! It's a bit hard to read in the photo but it says "You country needs you to BBQ like you never BBQ'D before this Australia Day" haha. And if you think you see birds in the background, you're wrong. They are tongs. She said it was funny because that's about as patriotic as Australia gets and America is so intense.
Well it's been raining for the past couple days but today it looks sunny and happy! Probably because it's a public holiday amirighttt. Mini roadtrip is in store for me!
And I will leave you with this little gem.. Which is blocked. So type in "Barbie Girl Australia"
that's the link. :)
hahaha i like your luggage lol :)
The RAW packs of meat - that are all sanitized to not be dripping blood crack me up.
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