I realize this is beginning to look more and more like a food blog.. But a girl's got to eat. Right? Joan and I have been talking about going to this Room of Roses place all month and finally as we had yet another rainy day we thought eh why not. This was my yummy dessert :)

The book is the first of a popular Australian series. The author stopped after book one or two but for real started writing them again because of popular demand. And *drum roll* I have found the perfect tea!! After trying many and drinking jasmine tea the other night after dinner and not being able to sleep till after midnight due to the caffeine... I decided a tea with naturally zero caffeine was the way to go. Enter Rooibos tea. I got the Pacific Sun flavor which has orange peel, safflower, rose, calendula, apricot, and vanilla. Yum :) Combination of both = perfect Sunday

I saw this "Pancake Manor" two weeks ago as I was walking around town. Mostly because it said crepes on the sign. It's an old church and you sit on the pews when dining. I have been wanting to go ever since and on Friday when I met up with Ellie and Paige from England whom I haven't seen in 4 years, it was the natural place for a serendipitous meeting. And the pancakes were amazinggg. I snagged one of the napkins they were so cool. Scrapbook?

We each got our own teapot for our tea. I realize the picture would have been cooler if I had poured my tea in it.. C'est la vie.
I'm so happy I got to see Paige and Ellie the other day! Honestly what are the odds that we would happen to be in Australia, in the same city, at the same time. I feel like I was just in Essex, England crashing at Paige's house and wondering what exactly a bacon sandwich was. Let me enlighten you, its two pieces of bread, both buttered of course, with bacon in the middle. ta da.
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