And kissed a crocodile?

Somedays I feel like this.
A baby peacock! How lucky I was to see one! There was a mean crow following the mama and baby around just waiting I tell you to try and snatch it.
Red Sun Panda!! Adorable
Tell me that's not strange.
Oh you koala bear, I love you.

I also saw a tasmanian devil! I wish I could describe what it looked like.. A mix between a sort of pig and anteater? But cuter?

Bought some cheesecake for ted and joan on my last night here! It was too much too good. (Also possibly Paige's future place of employment?!)
Hopes for NZ:
- No/less mosquitos
- Not insanely cold weather
- The most incredible time of my life
Achievable yes?
I thought I was the only one who thought Adele's accent was atrocious. Turns out I am not alone! And when it's two girls from England who agree it makes me feel loads better. Sorry Adele, you are wicked gifted at singing and are super funny but your South London accent is too much. But we still love you.
Just realized how cool it would be in Olivia Newton-John would magically appear like her psuedo self in Xanadu but in Brisbane. Apparently she resides in Florida? Girl why would you give up paradise? Because you heard all people retire to Florida?
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