Just got back to my uncle's and I couldn't be happier to be here for full recuperation. Now my Mordor Saga..
Three other gal pals from Harmony met up in National Park to complete the 3 day tramp of the Tongariro Crossing aka where Mt Doom is. We were all so excited and yea a little bit nervous.
Day 1: The first day was all up hill with plenty of people passing me up. The one day tramp is insanely popular and a huge tourist attraction. But the weather was beautiful, we sang happy birthday to an Argentinian, made it to the top and continued on. I am so pleased to have gone with such great girls that everything was fun even with all the sweat! Highlight of that day: sliding down this avalanche of rocks. And falling down the avalanche of rocks. Thrice.
When it was time to get to our hut it was plain stupid. The path went left, right, left, right, when we should have been able to head straight down to the visible hut. Obviously I was grumpy/hungry/annoyed with the park people who created the down disaster. After 30 minutes we made it to cook our dinner in the dark. When we were all ready for bed this couple stumbles in wanting to make a reservation.. uhhh yea they walked here in the dark without a flashlight. They had passed the point where they were supposed to exist the track and kept on. All they had with them was a bottle of rum and some noodles. These kids were smart..
Day 2: Beautiful weather again! and even better news- all down hill! Or so I thought. After about 2 hours my left knee was hurting something horrible. Let it be known I have never had any problems with it. It was so bad I had to stop several times. But thankfully it was only went it was downhill which after a while it stopped being. We made it to this lovely river and Fangorn Forest. We all entered at different times, I was obviously last because at this time it was near the end of the day and my knee was now a consistent throb. Walking uphill was now painful. But the forest was peaceful and green. Then we realized Annie was no where to be found. She was always at the front because of her crazy walking pace and leadership tendancies. We yelled/whisteled for a while and then decided she was most likely waiting for us somewhere at the top like normal. But then we remembered that once we crossed the bridge it sort of looked like you could head left/right as well as straight which the arrow pointed to. We conferred with the picture we took of the map. Oh what silly girls we were, the hut we were staying at that night was before the forest! Oh ok. But poor me walking downhill was honestly the last thing I wanted to do. Cursing myself for not thinking to bring actual whistles, I slowly made my descent. Once almost out of the woods I hear "Saryah! Stop! There is no hut, turn around". I'll admit it. I threw down my pack and fell to the forest floor. I wanted to cry. And be left there. I would have stayed if they would have left me. Again I slowly made my way to the top. Where Annie was indeed waiting. Let's me clear. In the beginning we were 3/4 of the way to the top before we went all the way back down again. Talk about mixed signals, it would of course happen in Fangorn Forest. Where were the Ents when you needed a helping hand? Annie was amazing though and took my pack as well as her's for the remaining way. I really would not have made it without them. The hut was only 30 minutes away and it was magnificant. It was 8x bigger than the one previously. With running water and electricity! I took off my boots, wanting to shake out all the rocks, but there weren't any. Just blisters. Everywhere. The funny thing about it was no matter how horrible I felt the views at the end always made up for it. I would look behind and think "wow. I just did that". That night we pulled off our little mattresses from the bunk beds and put them and our sleeping bags in front of the fire to fall asleep.
Day 3: We knew it was going to rain. But we slept in until 7 because my alarm/phone died in the night. it was to be a 5 hour walk to the village and had been told it was mostly flat terrain. We started off and it was what we expected, rain, cold, windy. The girls were always far ahead of me because I was too slow, limping along like quasimoto. Oddly enough, I knew I could do this. I knew I could/would accomplish it, that it was flat, and the weather could be worse. Physically I thought I was going to die. But in times like these it's more mental than anything. How could I forget to mention that Vera, one of the girls, was having knee problems as well.. However she was at the front today. Knowing she had pain but was such a champ about it, leading the group was such an inspiration. Annie was offering to carry my pack again, which was too nice of her. But the pack was the lightest it had been as we had eaten much of the food it had contained so it wasn't a problem. Bethany the entire time was singing. Singing people. In the crazy weather she was happy and singing the whole way. These girls were my hero's. We made it to the end in less than 4 and 1/2 hours. Champions.
I have never been more proud of myself or the girls. Turns out Bethany's singing was because if she stopped her thoughts turned negative about not being able to finish. Annie was prepared to literally carry one of us to the end. Vera never once complained. And I managed to stay positive the whole last day, knowing we could do it.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Anna and Collin's
Oh what a crazy week. I had a bit of time to kill between leaving the beloved Harmony Farm and the Tongariro Crossing so I decided to visit this lady Angela in Gisborne. Who hadnt responded to my email. And yep she was out of town that weekend and luckily Anna said I could stay at their house for the few days I needed. I finally got to try a persimmon! It was yum! And tasted a bit like melon? One of the girls, Lisa, had been in NZ for 8 months and she is leaving in a week. When we talked about it I felt like it was me leaving I could feel her sorrow. I feel bad for whoever will have to sit next to me/her on the flight home. 16 hours+ of tears.
I got to hear about how being here has changed so many people's lives. Its so inspiring hearing about aha moments about knowing what they want out of life. I got to recommend Ron's place to others and Anna loved hearing all about it. I think she may go to visit!
And I need to tell about Harry. From Hartford. Where Hurricanes Hardly ever Happen. yes I said that. And immediately apologised because you know it happens every time to him. When I first met him i wanted/did instantly disliked him because of his accent. Horrible I know but it was exactly like some evil lord from the 1700's that wanted to steal all your money even though he has his own vast fortune. But of course I changed my mind after 5 minutes when you knew he wasnt an evil mastermind. Butttt he did go to bording school since 7 and is wicked smart. So part of my theory was correct. First impressions crack me up, they are usually way of mark. The wwoofers and anna's were too funny and i already miss them! ps. harry's last name starts with a P. and i may have said his name imitating Hermione. Once. Or twice..
Even though I was there for a total of 3 days these kids all woke up at 6 am this morning to say goodbye. Something that has never happened before at Anna's in her 3 years of wwoofing. It was honestly the sweetest. People continue to surprise me.
I got to hear about how being here has changed so many people's lives. Its so inspiring hearing about aha moments about knowing what they want out of life. I got to recommend Ron's place to others and Anna loved hearing all about it. I think she may go to visit!
And I need to tell about Harry. From Hartford. Where Hurricanes Hardly ever Happen. yes I said that. And immediately apologised because you know it happens every time to him. When I first met him i wanted/did instantly disliked him because of his accent. Horrible I know but it was exactly like some evil lord from the 1700's that wanted to steal all your money even though he has his own vast fortune. But of course I changed my mind after 5 minutes when you knew he wasnt an evil mastermind. Butttt he did go to bording school since 7 and is wicked smart. So part of my theory was correct. First impressions crack me up, they are usually way of mark. The wwoofers and anna's were too funny and i already miss them! ps. harry's last name starts with a P. and i may have said his name imitating Hermione. Once. Or twice..
Even though I was there for a total of 3 days these kids all woke up at 6 am this morning to say goodbye. Something that has never happened before at Anna's in her 3 years of wwoofing. It was honestly the sweetest. People continue to surprise me.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Thigh Master
compost toilet. right out by the kitchen window..
If a P.E. coach had told me to do squats/lunges for 3 hours solid, I would have used the words "sadistic", "crazy", "fired" and headed straight to the principal's office to complain. Yet there I was yesterday doing such things for harvesting feijoas.. My butt/legs may never be the same. And it was then I decided I needed to book it before peak season set it. When I first arrived we were doing 10 buckets. Yesterday it was 132. And it would be 200ish soon. Dont think so bud. So here I am in Gisborne once again staying at the Flying Nun hostel without much plans. I need to find a next wwoofing place soon. And today... I buy a ukelele!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!! As of right now I only know row row row your boat. but soon i shall be a master musician!
Friday, April 13, 2012

I swear Ron is unlike any other human being. He is so positive about everything. And wants to teach all about how to improve their life. Never have I seen a man so open to talk about anything and willingly admit that he cries about things. He is completely down to talk about periods, and when Bethany told him she had a waste free period his response: Congratulations. Share this knowledge with the other girls. hahahaha I die over this. We often wonder how in the world this man can exist, and i want to be just like him in his directness. There is zero skirting around issues but face them straight on with such grace. He is truly inspiring.
My last days are here at Harmony Farm and its so strange to be thinking of leaving. But I am too excited about my meditation! I cant wait for a bit of quiet and centering my life. Sometimes you need to get back to basics.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Today, Be Proud
Thought I would go to the Op Shop "Opportunity Shop", which is a good will, for some cheap loose meditation clothing. Went to the counter to purchase my two items and realized I left all my money back at the farm. No money? No problem. They said they trusted I would bring it back. I swear the people here are the nicest int the world.
I made feijoa jam yesterday! It is so delicious!

There is a French guy at the farm and I just want to live his life in France. He just appreciates every little thing in life. And his one liners. Ahhh. "This is the way", "Be proud", and about Ron "he is everything". hahaha all are so true. And he just wants to sit and watch the sunset. I love it. To him you just need to enjoy.
At the library there are always these school kids who seem to have nothing better to do than sit around playing games. And have really bad language. I'm not sure where their parents are. so weird. and count down for the amount of time each person has left. so annoying.
I made feijoa jam yesterday! It is so delicious!

There is a French guy at the farm and I just want to live his life in France. He just appreciates every little thing in life. And his one liners. Ahhh. "This is the way", "Be proud", and about Ron "he is everything". hahaha all are so true. And he just wants to sit and watch the sunset. I love it. To him you just need to enjoy.
At the library there are always these school kids who seem to have nothing better to do than sit around playing games. And have really bad language. I'm not sure where their parents are. so weird. and count down for the amount of time each person has left. so annoying.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday
Today Bethany, Annie, and I woke up at 5am for a Maori Catholic service on a hill wher we would sing to a guitar and watch the sunrise. A nice lady named Heather was gracious enough to come pick us up when Bethany went into town to find out service times. Girlfriend even offered us a place to stay if we ever need one. Kiwi's are the friendliest by far! They were self proclaimed rebels of the presbeterian religion. The best kind. Porriage and toast was eaten after. That crowd was a hoot, we have an interview set up to be in the town newspaper. People just love me wherever I go. For morning tea I made everyone pancakes along with homemade syrup. I am becoming a chef master! Tonight I made feijoa upside cake mmhmmm. Called my gma and parents which was ever so exciting :) my dad is going back to HP world!! so jelly! the best part of the day was eating the mini Cadbury creme eggs i bought especially the occasion. i got accepted for a free 10 day meditation course!! its very intensive where u wake up at 4:30am and you honestly meditate all day with a bit of time for group meditation. its going to be brilliant! annie will be doing the same course, but you arent allowed to speak or show body language so we are devising a secret movement. updates on that later. i just finished The Book Thief. amazing!! even though they tell you how it would end you were still surprised. such a great book.
things i have learned today: when someone asks you if you want to talk about ot/something, say yes. also, tea is always the athe way to go.
things i have learned today: when someone asks you if you want to talk about ot/something, say yes. also, tea is always the athe way to go.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Just saw all the pictures from my Aunt's wedding and oh it looked like quite an event! While I'm sad to have missed it everyone looked to have a great time. I'm so excited for them!
We biked into town today and boy oh boy does that take much time off the travel. It went so fast! Why don't I bike everywhere? Ideas.
I read Dan Brown's new book and it was really good until the ending. Let down baby. Next on my list is Omnivore's Dilemma. I have heard most of it in documentaries and what not but need all the info.
I love hearing everyone's story and what they are passionate about. Its inspiring that people can be so driven to do good.
I am learning to use the word priority. To say "this is a priority" this is not a priority. how it feels when you say them and if it doesn't sound right then you know what matters and what doesn't. Rather brilliant.
I'm learning so much from people and especially the host Ron that its almost overwhelming. How am I going to remember it all? Another thing I'm learning to do: remembering.
We biked into town today and boy oh boy does that take much time off the travel. It went so fast! Why don't I bike everywhere? Ideas.
I read Dan Brown's new book and it was really good until the ending. Let down baby. Next on my list is Omnivore's Dilemma. I have heard most of it in documentaries and what not but need all the info.
I love hearing everyone's story and what they are passionate about. Its inspiring that people can be so driven to do good.
I am learning to use the word priority. To say "this is a priority" this is not a priority. how it feels when you say them and if it doesn't sound right then you know what matters and what doesn't. Rather brilliant.
I'm learning so much from people and especially the host Ron that its almost overwhelming. How am I going to remember it all? Another thing I'm learning to do: remembering.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Because I'm a Lady
In which we discuss all the reasons I'm not a lady as of recent, including all forms of bodily functions. Spoiler: you probably do not want to read this. But I feel for honesty sake I'll be telling the real deal.
I'm in Otaki at Harmony Farm that grows fejoas, so yum! German Hannah has sadly left but she left me a 10 cent piece and a hankey an old man gave her when she was in hospital due to her eye swelling that she couldn't see. Both I will obviously cherish. In her place is now Bethany from Scotland- the first mellow Scot I have met. She is a total lady. Kris the guy with an annoying answer for everything even though no one asked is here as well but I secretly hope he leaves. Life on the farm is always a treat. And could most possibly be called a hippie residence. You pee outside. Because duh the plants need it. There is a compost toilet. A solar shower outdoors for your convenience. aboth have a bamboo type wall that isn't completely obscurring. And you can always decide for a hot bucket shower under the stars when you don't want the sometimes cold water. Ron is so into it it's awesome. We just decided to do morning yoga all together. We need it desperately with the gazillion squats/lunges you do picking up the fejoas. They are only ripe when they fall from the tree..
well I'm late for oragami and drying my tea leaves I picked earlier. Who knew being a hippie was so relaxing :)
I'm in Otaki at Harmony Farm that grows fejoas, so yum! German Hannah has sadly left but she left me a 10 cent piece and a hankey an old man gave her when she was in hospital due to her eye swelling that she couldn't see. Both I will obviously cherish. In her place is now Bethany from Scotland- the first mellow Scot I have met. She is a total lady. Kris the guy with an annoying answer for everything even though no one asked is here as well but I secretly hope he leaves. Life on the farm is always a treat. And could most possibly be called a hippie residence. You pee outside. Because duh the plants need it. There is a compost toilet. A solar shower outdoors for your convenience. aboth have a bamboo type wall that isn't completely obscurring. And you can always decide for a hot bucket shower under the stars when you don't want the sometimes cold water. Ron is so into it it's awesome. We just decided to do morning yoga all together. We need it desperately with the gazillion squats/lunges you do picking up the fejoas. They are only ripe when they fall from the tree..
well I'm late for oragami and drying my tea leaves I picked earlier. Who knew being a hippie was so relaxing :)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Timing Is Everything
My bus was set to arrive at 4:15pm, and that's exactly what I told Ron from Harmony Farm. I waited there for 40 minutes and realized nope he is not coming. Found a lad at the coffee shop across from the stop who offered to give me a ride. On the way he said he had a crazy long day at work. I asked what he did. His reply: crime. uhhh ok. and he was in a gang, which was why he had left for so many years. but its ok because they are all dead now after taking bad drugs. so he's back! But he needs to do crime so he can have money the govnt wont take from him. bc he has so many kids he needs to pay for. yea alright.
The place I'm staying at is a fejoa farm and they are so yummy! my new specialty is fejoa and rhubarb crumble. sort of a nightly thing. the kids im staying with are so outrageous. ones from germany and the other from the states. there is no wifi/internet there and we just walked/shared bikes an hour to get to the library but now its about to close. and the usb doesnt work so no pictures for the next 2 weeks. though i just checkout out dan brown's new book! i didnt even know he had one!
have to go and see if we can hitch back because people, its a jungle out there.
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