went surfing yesterday! Or sort of. Probs only stood up three times. Or two. But the point is I tried! And had fun and that's what really matters. All the kids in the house went and of course were all pros compared to me as they had a lesson already.
I introduced everyone to Jacket Potatoes for dinner last night. They were a hit, you're welcome Britain.
the other night we had a bonfire and the german girls taught us all about Stick Bread. You make the dough (its a little sweet) and then wrap it arond the stick and heat it over the fire, like you would with a marshmellow. It was awesome!!
if I had a secret I couldn't tell but for one person I know who I would choose. Alan Rickman. Lets be real he can keep a secret as proven when JK Rowling told him the truth about Snape. Everyone in the world wanted to know. Very noble Rickman.
the really old james bond movies are hilarious.
things I miss:
i'm kinda embarrassed i have to ask this, but are you talking about the regular dvd special features or a special edition special feature. (i have yet to check out either)
there are zero special features on the regular dvd you have to get the blue ray. Just another way for companies to make more millions.
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