Just an average day in KeriKeri... Went to an orange orchard.

Picked some oranges..

Saw a waterfall..

Saw another waterfall.

Life can be so tedious :)
Bay of Islands was magical. Everything was perfect. I tried organic (obviously)milk that was not pasteurized and it was really good! Had freshly made organic orange juice every day. Ate right out of the hive not processed honey on toast. KerSo really the best breakfasts of all time. Played er attempted to play tennis one day. The weather was so amazing that even after the 12th miss it was still the best experience.
Hit up the Mercer family from Katy who moved to Auckland 2 years ago. They are so nice and the kids so cute and friendly! I had to remind myself to not say that to their little girl. After I read that piece in Time magazine I will never tell a little girl how cute she is. If that's all she hears then that's what she will value the most. So instead ask what has she been reading lately.
There are no large mammals in NZ. Which is why so many people trek aka "tramp" here. You can honestly fall asleep under the stars. You know, without worrying about being eaten by a bear because you left a cereal bar wrapper out (true story).
I have always known that Texas is one of the cheapest places to live but I have only recently realized how crazy cheap it really is. How is it possible?
Finally charged my camera so maybe the pictures will be better?
I for real can't get enough of my aunt and uncle here. I was gone for a week and missed them so much. Not sure how being gone for 3 months will be. Many phone calls?
I couldn't remember which stop it was to get back to their house and the bus driver dropped me off at the house instead. Yea sort of like in the movies. Just living my life.
I haven't been watching much tv here and I'm not missing it. But the other day I saw NZ had the E! channel an got more than neccessary excited. And of course my aunt is insisting I was Keeping up with the Kardashians tonight. This is not a lie.
Valentine's Day is not even in the same ballpark (or cricketfield) as the media pumped holiday that it is in the States. It's casual in the "hey I like you, you like me, lets hang out" sort of way. And I think it makes it more sweet. But thats how NZ is, so accepting and not expecting. Man I should copywright that.
1 comment:
accepting and not expecting... i dig it!
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