Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Went up Mt Victoria yesterday and did not see any elves. Or a sign that said "Welcome to Rivendell" as I expected. I do think I saw where the hobbits were just out of the shire and ran to get off the road. But it was all trees so maybe I was wrong? I feel like there should defo be some signs. Or little symbols carved into the trees?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Windy Wellington
Monday, February 20, 2012
Hakuna Matata
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Another Day, Another Mountain
Apparently everyone is leaving Ireland. And moving to Australia.
Watched LOTR3 last night and it was amazing. Watching it in NZ makes it double cool!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Still Alive
Oceania peeps must not care too much about privacy as I've noticed many bathrooms don't have locks or doors on the shower.
Gardinia's are the most beautiful smelling thing on this earth (little white pretty flowers). Not sure if it's spelled correctly but the internet is a bit slow so I'm not going to check. Trust me. And go buy some seeds to plant.
I think it's safe to say we all remember the movie "Center Stage". The dancer guy (the only one who could) is a famous ballet person and is now the creative director for NZ Ballet Company. Justy fyi. And there is a show about it.
Monday, February 6, 2012

Saw a waterfall..

Saw another waterfall.

Life can be so tedious :)
Hit up the Mercer family from Katy who moved to
I have always known that
Finally charged my camera so maybe the pictures will be better?
I for real can't get enough of my aunt and uncle here. I was gone for a week and missed them so much. Not sure how being gone for 3 months will be. Many phone calls?
I couldn't remember which stop it was to get back to their house and the bus driver dropped me off at the house instead. Yea sort of like in the movies. Just living my life.
I haven't been watching much tv here and I'm not missing it. But the other day I saw NZ had the E! channel an got more than neccessary excited. And of course my aunt is insisting I was Keeping up with the Kardashians tonight. This is not a lie.
Driving to/from the beach I was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery. And just like when I got off the plane here I almost had a Kristen Bell Sloth moment (youtube it. seriously you won't regret it). I find I frequently feel like this but I'm just so happy I can't help it. #slothattack
Today was a public holiday sort of like Independence Day but none of the excitement. The Kiwis and Maori signed a treaty and till this day is diabolical and many Maori see it as unfair. I find the different political troubles here so interesting. Not to be rude or belittle anyone but I feel they are on a smaller scale than the States', and it's really cool to see how everything is handled. Oh yea saw the prime minister the other day. Check.
Cilantro = Corriander, something I keep forgetting and get frustrated when someone says they don't have it and I see it in front of me. err..
I love that people over here love Britney as much as I do. Beyonce as well. It cracks me up that others crack up when I said "My girl B" and then they try to say it.
The Chinese Lattern Festival was beautiful and felt like I was in the movie "Tangled" but in Asia?
I love my little travel journal!

Sunday, February 5, 2012
#Small World
Another good time meeting. Meet a girl who is from Manchester. And knows my brother. Boom.
Auckland is so beautiful and I never want to leave. Everyone is so incredibly nice and welcoming! And wondering why I don't have a Texan accent. My bad Kiwis.
The past few days I've been hanging with the girls I meet in Brisbane and loving life.
Going to the beach tomorrow! :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
New Zealand