Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Things I expected to find in my hair today: Sawdust, dirt, leaves.

Things I did not expect to find in my hair: a dead bug.

Today we had vegetable soup with homemade bread. It was too good. People I found the reason why my homemade bread has never been what it should have been. Flour. It always comes down to the flour. This one had all the little grains and special yeasts it needs to be so tasty. I want to eat it every day whenever I want sandwiches. Or soups.

The bread reminded me of when my mom used to make fresh bread all the time and we would all gather around sneakily pushing each other trying to get first in line. I would always want the first slice from the top. I figured it had the most bread in one slice. Yea I'm clever like that.


I can't believe it's already March! I swear time goes by faster here. And soon it will be Easter! At the grocery store today I got excited about it since they had tons of Cadbury chocolate bunnies on display. Yumi (the Japanese girl) didn't understand it, she says there are not many Christians in Japan. Which is sad, I think everyone needs a chocolate bunny at least once in their life. So I got to tell her about my Easters and how my mom would hide our baskets. I of course would be the last to find theirs and would get increasingly frustrated but more than usual one of my siblings would tell me where my basket was. I could never make it as a pirate. Forgot to tell her about confetti eggs. I don't think she would truly understand the concept. And would defo think me strange. Cracking eggs? on people's heads? yep..

Hopefully I'll get around to uploading some pictures. As of right now I'm a bit lazy.

Monday, February 27, 2012


In the middle of nowhere. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Staying in the house with me is a girl from Japan (so lovely) and a guy from France, whose accent is thick and can't understand what he says alot so i alternate between laughing and giving blank expressions.

I have seen my first apple tree! The apples however are all not edible as the summer has been bipolar and they haven't ripened and are bad. There is a pet goat. Really friendly but I swear it has evil eyes. Dude, he has a 3D tv. I didn't think people actually bought them. Speaking of having outrageously nice technological gadgets. I of course didn't bring my laptop and was using Umi's (that how imagine her name is spelled..) and Paul (the host) said oh hey I have an old one you can use while you're here. Uhhh yea an iBook is soooo old. Cadbury hot chocolate for morning tea :) also I discovered that my fav candy in the entire world (already mentioned strawberry gummy candy) is sold at local grocery stores near me. Welcome to my life and diabetes.

I wielded my first chainsaw today. Scared I would somehow saw of my foot. Luckily this did not happen. Also lemon trees are surprisingly pretty. And the secret of having all your groceries growing in your yard is just the luck of the soil. Depressing I know, but now everyone doesn't have to feel bad about their lack of "green thumb". Just have to move out to NZ.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Update on my life. I will not be staying with a crazy guy who only eats raw vegetables/2 meals as I hoped. He is doing a cleansing fast/having lectures when I wanted to stay. bummer. I will neither be staying with the "Sisters of Compassion" because they refuse to call me back. rude. Instead I will be up in Takapau on Monday with a nice couple but likely to be less exciting as the other two prospects. Still I'm excited.

Went up Mt Victoria yesterday and did not see any elves. Or a sign that said "Welcome to Rivendell" as I expected. I do think I saw where the hobbits were just out of the shire and ran to get off the road. But it was all trees so maybe I was wrong? I feel like there should defo be some signs. Or little symbols carved into the trees?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Windy Wellington

This city is living up to its name. I'll be walking around and get blown into the person next to me. And they will give me a weird look, because of the bumping and also the way I have given up trying to be a cute backpacker. I have started wearing my orange and blue Australia backpack and haven't done laundry yet. Yep I'm a real charmer. Today it's finally not raining so i'm going to see if I can get up to Mt. Victoria and see if I can spot some elves. It's where they filmed a few scenes of Rivendell.. get it?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hakuna Matata

Ok so much has happened alot of craziness which I can't even go into it's such a long story. Ending with I'm now in Wellington!! It's soooo good to be back on the North Island! Only been here for a few hours and I love it. The city has an Austin/NOLA vibe but cool without even trying.

I went to Milford Sound yesterday. Absolutely worth it even with the 8 hour bus ride. As beautiful as everyone has been saying and glad I went! Took so many pictures that I can't even upload them all here so I'll leave you with my favorite.. and two more. lucky you.

You might be thinking "cool man but i think your camera messed up". Think again. This is a picture of Mirror Lake and shows the reflection of the Southern Alps. My favorite picture I've taken yet. Framer.
This picture is "sweet as". You can see the rain forming and then flowing down. The water is so clean there. I regret not filling up my water bottle with it/even trying it. The idea of drinking from a stream is taught to equal death so even though I could see it with my own eyes how clear and 100% pure it was I was still afraid. sigh.
I like how the wind is taking the water away from fully falling. Milford your rocked.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Day, Another Mountain

Walk up to the top was steep man. Even the picture looks wimpy. No one will probably ever believe me. But it was intense I promise!!

View from top!
City of Queenstown!
Picture from the Gondala. I didn't pay for it. I know horrible but way too tired to walk down. I thought about doing the 5 hour hike today but alas am exhausted. And it rained yesterday so it would be dangerous right? That's my excuse anyways.


Apparently everyone is leaving Ireland. And moving to Australia.

Watched LOTR3 last night and it was amazing. Watching it in NZ makes it double cool!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hello from Queenstown! Just hiked up this mountain! Don't know what is actually going on with my hair. My calfs hurt once I got to the top, absolute angles my friends. But so worth it. The girl I went with was so nice about me stopping a few times for a breather. Blaming it on the altitude.

What's this you ask? Only the best find in the Southern Hemisphere.
Because THIS is what was there!!! STRAWBERRIES!!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen these bad boys since 2008. I wanted to buy the jar but settled for the little pack of about 5. I may go back again today. Though I did regret eating them today while on the hike.. Best day ever. I love you Queenstown.
The city.
The lake and everyone out.
so cute.

Aunt Mary freakout out when she forgot to put a flower in my room when I returned the other day. haha so she ran outside and got this one :)
Queenstown is so beautiful but I think I like the North Island better. Not that I'm complaining at all about the South Island but I keep feeling like the mountains are blocking something important.
I love staying at hostels, people may not understand this but they are so cool. You meet so many people and I love hearing about their lives and all their adventures and plans. It does help that the one I'm at now just got an award for the best in all oceania :)
P.S. Had a newer post but it shows up after an older one. Look for "KeriKeri".

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Still Alive

Yesterday I was picked up in Kerikeri by a stranger and taken back to her luxorious house #firstworldproblems. Made entirely out of timber and has a full wrap around veranda that over looks their own beach and forest which has 3 trails. yup. I'm offically getting too comfortable at being comfortable in other people's houses.


Oceania peeps must not care too much about privacy as I've noticed many bathrooms don't have locks or doors on the shower.

Gardinia's are the most beautiful smelling thing on this earth (little white pretty flowers). Not sure if it's spelled correctly but the internet is a bit slow so I'm not going to check. Trust me. And go buy some seeds to plant.

I think it's safe to say we all remember the movie "Center Stage". The dancer guy (the only one who could) is a famous ballet person and is now the creative director for NZ Ballet Company. Justy fyi. And there is a show about it.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Just an average day in KeriKeri... Went to an orange orchard.
Picked some oranges..

Saw a waterfall..

Saw another waterfall.

Life can be so tedious :)

Bay of Islands was magical. Everything was perfect. I tried organic (obviously)milk that was not pasteurized and it was really good! Had freshly made organic orange juice every day. Ate right out of the hive not processed honey on toast. KerSo really the best breakfasts of all time. Played er attempted to play tennis one day. The weather was so amazing that even after the 12th miss it was still the best experience.

Hit up the Mercer family from Katy who moved to Auckland 2 years ago. They are so nice and the kids so cute and friendly! I had to remind myself to not say that to their little girl. After I read that piece in Time magazine I will never tell a little girl how cute she is. If that's all she hears then that's what she will value the most. So instead ask what has she been reading lately.


There are no large mammals in NZ. Which is why so many people trek aka "tramp" here. You can honestly fall asleep under the stars. You know, without worrying about being eaten by a bear because you left a cereal bar wrapper out (true story).

I have always known that Texas is one of the cheapest places to live but I have only recently realized how crazy cheap it really is. How is it possible?

Finally charged my camera so maybe the pictures will be better?

I for real can't get enough of my aunt and uncle here. I was gone for a week and missed them so much. Not sure how being gone for 3 months will be. Many phone calls?

I couldn't remember which stop it was to get back to their house and the bus driver dropped me off at the house instead. Yea sort of like in the movies. Just living my life.

I haven't been watching much tv here and I'm not missing it. But the other day I saw NZ had the E! channel an got more than neccessary excited. And of course my aunt is insisting I was Keeping up with the Kardashians tonight. This is not a lie.

Valentine's Day is not even in the same ballpark (or cricketfield) as the media pumped holiday that it is in the States. It's casual in the "hey I like you, you like me, lets hang out" sort of way. And I think it makes it more sweet. But thats how NZ is, so accepting and not expecting. Man I should copywright that.


Lost my yellow sunglasses in the ocean today. When I was pretty much being drowned by the intense waves. nbd. Although it was cold and windy the turnout for the beach trip was really good, though I'm thinking today was average weather.. I was the most skanky dressed girl there, because everyone else packed clothes to wear on top on their swimsuit/"togs" as the water was 65 degrees #classic. After the beach we went for hot chocolate. Obviously.

Driving to/from the beach I was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery. And just like when I got off the plane here I almost had a Kristen Bell Sloth moment (youtube it. seriously you won't regret it). I find I frequently feel like this but I'm just so happy I can't help it. #slothattack

Today was a public holiday sort of like Independence Day but none of the excitement. The Kiwis and Maori signed a treaty and till this day is diabolical and many Maori see it as unfair. I find the different political troubles here so interesting. Not to be rude or belittle anyone but I feel they are on a smaller scale than the States', and it's really cool to see how everything is handled. Oh yea saw the prime minister the other day. Check.


Cilantro = Corriander, something I keep forgetting and get frustrated when someone says they don't have it and I see it in front of me. err..

I love that people over here love Britney as much as I do. Beyonce as well. It cracks me up that others crack up when I said "My girl B" and then they try to say it.

The Chinese Lattern Festival was beautiful and felt like I was in the movie "Tangled" but in Asia?

I love my little travel journal!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

#Small World

Meet up with my cousin's wife and her two beautiful boys. I haven't seen her since I was 6 in Canada for her wedding. Still as amazing as I remember.

Another good time meeting. Meet a girl who is from Manchester. And knows my brother. Boom.

Auckland is so beautiful and I never want to leave. Everyone is so incredibly nice and welcoming! And wondering why I don't have a Texan accent. My bad Kiwis.

The past few days I've been hanging with the girls I meet in Brisbane and loving life.

Going to the beach tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Zealand

Example of my dedication to New Zealand. Bought this jersey jacket when I was 12. And have kept it/worn it ever since. Even when the zipper no longer worked. To be here is so amazing! Right out of the plane I kept smiling like a fool it was so exciting and beautiful. Oh ps somehow ended up in first class. View from the house! Would have been better if I had taken it from the veranda which you can see a bit off on the top right. How can someone see this everyday?

Eggs as they should be. haha so random but needed.

Unlce Malcolm and Aunt Mary are delightful. I have forever associated them as "Kiwi's" and when I heard them speak it was so obvious they are Scots through and through. Which I'm more than pleased about because I believe a fact of life is Scots are the funniest people. Seriously. I'm loving getting to know them (Uncle Malcolm was serving in Germany at the same time as Elvis but never saw him) and hearing all their interesting stories! And of course drinking my rooibos tea with them.

As much as I love Auckland and Cockle Bay(area I'm staying in, honestly the bay is a street down and I will defo be taking a swim asap because I had been told it was freezing here but its 70 and hot?) I'm ready to be out of the city and 'burbs. I can't wait to be out in the open exploring the New Zealand I've been dreaming about all these years.