Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sick Nasty

I'm sick. And nasty. I decided to use the hankerchief that was given to me by a fellow traveler. Outcome: it was gross. I dont know what to do with it now. And I'm beginning to regret giving Natasha all my tissues. Murphy's Law my friends.


Advice given to me today, "Don't be a hero". Sir, it's a little too late for me. When you have read HP as much as I have certain characteristics start rubbing off on you. Hero Complex for life.

There is a Maori King. Who knew?

The lady I'm staying with just got back from Hawaii with said Maori King where she had breakfast with Barak Obama's sister. Gotta love the 6 degrees.

In the Maori culture turning 21 is a big deal. Turning 21 and not being in jail or being a parent. Who knew?

Comedy audiobooks are the coolest.

Friday, May 18, 2012


We did another LOTR tour in Wellington. And it happened to turn into a private tour. No one else signed up for it, how lucky!! Our guide was an orc in the scene where Aragorn tells Frodo to make a run for it at the end of The Fellowship. How rad! He could have been an elf but before they called back he cut off his long hair. Bummer. We went everywhere! Many of the places were so random you would have driven right past it not evening knowing. 

In Christchurch now and its a bit of a sad place. They are demolishing the entire city centre, making it look like a bomb has hit the place instead of an earthquake. I am positive it would have been a great lovely place if the natural disaster had spared them. I won't hid it though that I am glad we leave tomorrow morning and continue onwards.

Watched The Fellowship last night so I could see all the places we have gone to and notice all the secrets we have been told. Will never see it the same way again! So I leave you with..

Wise Words from Gandalf (who else):

"Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends."
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

"Keep it secret. Keep it safe."

 "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
"If in doubt always follow your nose"

Monday, May 14, 2012


 She did that. She actually drank all of that milk.  #cowbreastmilk
She wanted to get wifi from the church and stood outside in the rain to get it. #stubborn

My sister arrived and we have been wicked busy! It's so nice to have a car and drive wherever we want and stop wherever we want. Or in most cases to take pictures wherever Natasha wants. She is taking my mom's orders seriously of taking pictures. I'll be the first to admit: I'm horrible at capturing moments via camera. So maybe its actually a blessing in disguise, her constant snapshots?

Big Deal: WE WENT TO THE SHIRE!!!!!! AND IT WAS AMAZING! Pictures on her cam obviously. But it was the best ever! It was pouring when we got there but the gods smiled down and it was beautifully sunny :)

Finally saw all the cool geothermal stuff in Rotoura! Awesome! and tash wanted to see a Maori cultural experience. Honestly it frightened me. esp the haka war dance. Pushed back my chair as far as I could. They may be the nicest people but they can also be the scariest. Stopped off at my old digs in Otaki for some free wifi then off to Wellington!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fight Club

 Display outside the art museum
 Serena's glitter cupcakes!
YES. I stared at this the entire evening. The entire HP set. But with new covers!

Hamilton was cute. Typical NZ town with rolling hills and beautifulness. I hope I dont ever become used to the scenery. We ate feijoa crumble for breakfast. with a side of ice cream. we arent heathens afterall. and later we went to a place called something like "california burrito"? where i had the worlds strangest burrito. There was broccoli in it. and if that doesnt shock you enough i also found peas. PEAS!! they are in no way mexican! an experience anyways.. but there is no way for them to know. ahh tex mex i miss you.

There is an underground market every Saturday night. I felt like i was being invited into a fight club. its sort of sketchy and exciting at the same time. half the stuff you know fell off the truck. the smoke from all the people cooking food is overwhelming at first and there was some coughing involved. maybe also because of some cumin? But it was awesome! oh new zealand and your hidden treasures!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cockle Bay

Hands down this house has the most beautiful view in the world. Bias? Maybe. I haven't been doing much these last few days except reading and watching E! aka the Kardashians and all the other drama I have missed out on. I made it back in town for Serena's 21st birthday bash and it was so cool! Fireworks and amazing cakes/glitter cupcakes. A girl brought glow in the dark nail polish, which I obviously used, and it freaked me out when I went to bed that night. I was going "whats on my hands?!?!?! i'm an alien!!!" haha.

This girl is so lucky! And I still cant believe how we meet one Sunday in Brisbane, Australia only to meet up again. #smallworld.

Yesterday the Love's and I (my aunt and uncle) went into town to go see the Degas to Dali exhibition at the art museum. Coincidence that it came from Scotland? Oh how the stars align for me. Seeing these paintings reminded me how much I love doing art. Yea I'm mediocre but as I'm learning, that ain't so bad. I saw many paintings for the first time, a few from Degas and one from Van Gogh that seriously made my jaw drop. It was 'Olive Trees' and it's the sort of thing that sets your soul on fire.